Showing posts with label Sci-Fi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sci-Fi. Show all posts


Space Flea - Starship scale 1:35 ( WIP) 2°part

Space Flea - Starship scale 1:35

Another small step: I connected the two side cheeks and sealed with Magic Sculp, the various spaces were first filled with plasticard.
I started creating surface panels on the two gondolas, these will be further filled with small details.
I started to create the front pod with the group of instruments and antennas (many still to be inserted) a space was deliberately left between the nose of the ship and the instrument cluster to allow the insertion of visible cables, which always look so much! Finally I built and temporarily moved the two gravitational rudders on the tips of the two gondolas.

Stay tuned to the next step!!

Space Flea - Starship scale 1:35      Space Flea - Starship scale 1:35Space Flea - Starship scale 1:35
Space Flea - Starship scale 1:35Space Flea - Starship scale 1:35Space Flea - Starship scale 1:35

Space Flea - Starship scale 1:35Space Flea - Starship scale 1:35Space Flea - Starship scale 1:35


Space Flea - Starship scale 1:35 ( WIP)

Start a new project, the base is a resin garage kit (produced in the past by me). I'd likes to make it evolve into something more engineered.
Another small step. I started to modify the fuselage to accommodate the new canopy, its the front part and the rear part, using the Magic Sculpt, then a small pass of primer to see the imperfections. 


XM-01 Den'an Zon scala 1/100 (serie Gundam F-91)

The XM-01 Den'an Zon is a mobile suit that appears in the anime movie Mobile Suit Gundam F91, the manga series Mobile Suit Gundam F91 Silhouette Formula, and the manga series Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam.
The kit is a very old type, from year 1991! 
The following kit was built by me during the "NKGC Turbocontest" competition in 3 weeks, the time allowed to complete its model. NKGC



Spaceship Kepler 1:2000 DIY - start the print!

After making the 3D draft, it's time to print the pieces!
Like a huge skewer, the various elements are crossed by a square section that allows the whole to be strengthened and at the same time automatically allows the perfect alignment of the elements.
As a matter of speed the printing was set with a frame thickness of 0.3 mm, even if the printing time remains very high, the printing time varies from 2 hours to 9 hours depending on the particular.
After having printed all the main pieces, it will be time to work the surfaces (sandpaper and putty)  to eliminate the typical steps that are formed with this type of printing.

Stay tuned people

Dopo la realizzazione della bozza 3D è ora di stampare i pezzi!
Come un enorme spiedino i vari elementi sono attraversati da un profilato di sezione quadrata che permette di dare maggiore robustezza all'insieme e contemporaneamente permette automaticamente il perfetto allineamento degli elementi.
Per una questione di velocità la stampa è stata settata con uno spessore di frame di 0,3 mm, anche se il tempo di stampa rimane altissimo, il tempo di stampa varia delle 2 ore alle 9 ore in base al particolare.
Successivamente aver stampato tutti i pezzi principali sarà la volta di lavorare le superfici (carta vetrata e stucco ) per eliminare i tipici gradini che si formano con questo tipo di stampa.

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Spaceship Kepler 1:2000 DIY


Kleper is a generational ship, takes the idea from the fantastic world of Machine Krieger  ( Mr.Kow Yokoyama ), obviously it is the fruit of my imagination and my personal interpretation.
The Kepler spaceship, in the real world, is about 2200Mt long, and it is a ship without weapons, destined to move thousands of humans from the earth to the new planets, we are at the very beginning of the Ma.K. universe.
The scale model conceived in 3D will be printed in Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), this for the larger parts, then we will go to the finishing and construction phase of the smaller parts.
It is a complex and long project even with large dimensions of the model, about 1.1 Mt.

 Stay tuned people

La Kleper è una nave generazionale e prende l'idea dal fantastico mondo di Machine Krieger ( di Mr. Kow Yokoyama ), ovviamente è frutto della mia fantasia e della mia personale interpretazione.
L' astronave Kepler, nel mondo reale, è lunga circa 2200Mt, è completamente priva di armamenti, destinata allo spostamento di migliaia di umani dalla terra ai nuovi pianeti, siamo proprio all'inizio temporale della storia dell'universo Ma.K. .
Il modello in scala è stato concepito totalmente in 3D e sarà stampato in Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), questo almeno per le parti più grandi, successivamente si passerà alla fase di finitura e alla costruzione dei particolari più piccoli.
Si tratta di un progetto complesso e lungo anche dalle grandi dimensioni del modello, circa 1,1 Mt.

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Mr.ROUGH - Junction Alien with Human (bust) Step 4 Finished!

Finished! After trying more details "aliens" but did not convince me, I left the old version ..... I baked the bust, which was expected cooled I primed with a medium gray, it can be seen to be much more evident details of the skin than the pink / brown of clay.
A good master to make beautiful resin copies!


Mr.ROUGH - Junction Alien with Human (bust) Step 3

In this step I created a skin texturing is added to the membranes of the species on the chest .... still few small tweaks.

Space Flea - Starship scale 1:35 ( WIP) 2°part

Another small step: I connected the two side cheeks and sealed with Magic Sculp, the various spaces were first filled with plasticard. ...