
Spaceship Kepler 1:2000 DIY


Kleper is a generational ship, takes the idea from the fantastic world of Machine Krieger  ( Mr.Kow Yokoyama ), obviously it is the fruit of my imagination and my personal interpretation.
The Kepler spaceship, in the real world, is about 2200Mt long, and it is a ship without weapons, destined to move thousands of humans from the earth to the new planets, we are at the very beginning of the Ma.K. universe.
The scale model conceived in 3D will be printed in Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), this for the larger parts, then we will go to the finishing and construction phase of the smaller parts.
It is a complex and long project even with large dimensions of the model, about 1.1 Mt.

 Stay tuned people

La Kleper è una nave generazionale e prende l'idea dal fantastico mondo di Machine Krieger ( di Mr. Kow Yokoyama ), ovviamente è frutto della mia fantasia e della mia personale interpretazione.
L' astronave Kepler, nel mondo reale, è lunga circa 2200Mt, è completamente priva di armamenti, destinata allo spostamento di migliaia di umani dalla terra ai nuovi pianeti, siamo proprio all'inizio temporale della storia dell'universo Ma.K. .
Il modello in scala è stato concepito totalmente in 3D e sarà stampato in Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), questo almeno per le parti più grandi, successivamente si passerà alla fase di finitura e alla costruzione dei particolari più piccoli.
Si tratta di un progetto complesso e lungo anche dalle grandi dimensioni del modello, circa 1,1 Mt.

State sintonizzati gente


Zatorum - Dark Goblin Wizard

This is my personal interpretation of a character of Paul Bonner (great artist!) Is entirely made of Super Sculpey + Super Sculpey FIRM, with the hat measures about 8 cm and to this day is my favorite character among those made! It has a very personal charisma.
Hope you like it!


Cyclops BoB....the Giant

We are nearing the end, some corrections and additions before baking Super Sculpey and transform it into something hard. I present to you .. BoB .... the cyclops!


Cyclops BoB - coming to the end!

Here comes another update!
Let's say that now lack the various adjustments and corrections ... but I wanted to have a finite set.
The fur I have once again revised and implemented by following some fairly conventional schemas, and to give more volume to give the idea of ​​not being worsted .... after all it is a Yeti ... and I do not know much about body care!
Also the fur is still to be finished but I expect that Magic Sculpt rest a little bit to make it a little more compact.

The teeth are missing. that are not visible to them I still have to add .... I apologize for the slowness ... but being a hobby to me when I can dedicate.


Cyclops BOB for 25mm scale

I'm working on a new sculpture, it is a giant Yeti, a kind of Cyclops! after a first plate of iron wire and  Milliput and subsequent green FIMO, I started the part of the sculpture with a mixture of Super Sculpey FIRM and Super Sculpey. A fun character, but full of personality! Although in an advanced state I was pleased to share with you my new creation!


Mr.ROUGH - Junction Alien with Human (bust) Step 4 Finished!

Finished! After trying more details "aliens" but did not convince me, I left the old version ..... I baked the bust, which was expected cooled I primed with a medium gray, it can be seen to be much more evident details of the skin than the pink / brown of clay.
A good master to make beautiful resin copies!

Space Flea - Starship scale 1:35 ( WIP) 2°part

Another small step: I connected the two side cheeks and sealed with Magic Sculp, the various spaces were first filled with plasticard. ...